Personalized, professional, courteous.
Callers to your medical practice should always feel as though they’ve reached you.
When we answer, they do. Their experience will be the same as if you answered,
and we’ll treat them with the respect and courtesy you and they expect.

All Hours Receptionist
Our virtual receptionists know your hours and office routine. We’ll securely handle calls, as well as relay patient messages and other information.
Urgent Calls
On-duty receptionists. You tell us how you want to handle urgent calls and we’ll make sure you never miss an emergency.
Appointment Protocols
We immediately adapt to your system of handling patient appointments, including screening and specialty needs.
Expand your capacity with trained medical receptionists, 24/7.
For all the things you want to do or do better but can’t for lack of time and resources, call us. We’ll smoothly adapt to your particular medical practice or specialty area and provide your clients and callers with the professional support you expect.